• How much will it cost to use the e-Service?
    It does not cost you anything to use MTNL's "e-Service." It is absolutely free !
  • How and where do I sign up?
    First of all you have to Register with MTNL's "e-Service" site. For registering you have to click the "Register" button on the Home Page of this service and follow the instructions given there in.
  • Whether I have to fill any form?
    You don't have to fill any form. After registering online you start using the service straightaway.
  • What if my email address changes?
    Simple. Just modify your personal profile on the site.
  • What if I forget my password?
    Nothing unusual. You will be asked to enter your Login Name. If your Login Name is correct, your Password will be e-mailed to you on your E-mail Address.
  • What are the Bill View and STD/ISD Details View Services?
    It provides you a window to view your bills and its STD/ISD details

    Needless to state that bills fall under two categories, viz. paid and unpaid.

    On logging on to the service with your user id and password, a table will be presented showing all your telephone nos. you have added to this service for viewing. Against each telephone no. there will be two links, viz., Unpaid Bills and Paid Bills.

    (a) Clicking Unpaid Bills.

    On clicking Unpaid Bills a list of all unpaid bills will be displayed with two links against each bill, viz. View Bill and STD/ISD Details. 

    (i) Clicking View Bill will produce the bill in Acrobat Reader. Be sure you have Acrobat Reader on your system or else you download it by clicking the link available above the table. 

    (ii) Clicking STD/ISD Details will produce the list of long distance calls accounted for in the bill concerned. However, if the bill is more than three months old this feature will not be available.

    (b) Clicking Paid Bills.

    Clicking Paid Bills will produce a drop down menu where one can select the year for which bills are required to be shown. There will be three years in the drop box, the current calendar year and two preceding years.On clicking the submit button a list of all paid bills for the selected year will be displayed also with two links with each bill, viz. View Bill and STD/ISD Details. 

    (i) Clicking View Bill will produce the bill in Acrobat Reader. Be sure you have Acrobat Reader on your system or else you download it by clicking the link available above the table. 

    (ii) Clicking STD/ISD Details will produce the list of long distance calls accounted for in the bill concerned. However, if the bill is more than three months old this feature will not be available.

  • How MTNL Bill View Service works?
    While registering you have to provide your personal information and telephone details whose bills (and long distance call details) you want to view. So, be ready with the Telephone No. and its CA (Customer Account) No. It is available on any of the bills. These will be required for completing your registration.

    That's all.
  • Can I see the details of a bill and STD/ISD details of a bill?
    Yes. For details kindly refer to question 6 above.
  • Can I get a print of the Bill?
    Yes. After you have got the bill displayed as mentioned under question 6 above.
  • Where should I print the bill?
    For better readability of barcode always print the bill on laser printer. However bills printed on other printers will also be accepted on the counter. To print bill on a single page, set A4 size paper in printer.
  • How do we get the bills?
    Since these are old pending or paid bills these will not be sent to you. You can take their printout or else you have to go to a Bills payment counter where you can get them.
  • What happens to my earlier registration with Bill Alert service?
    It is still valid will be transferred to new service.
  • What happens to my earlier registration with SwiftBill service?
    This will continue to work for One Month from the date this service starts. Because of different Database we can't tranfer this data to New one. Inconvience caused is regretted please.
  • How do I use Bill Alert service only?
    Bill View and Bill Alert has become the single service.